Teasers, check out these new novels to read. Vote on the poll to choose which novel(s) to move forward.
Hello Minasan, As you’ve learned in this past week(?) I am stepping down as a translator for the Isekai Mitai, but this doesn’t mean that
Hello Minasan, As you’ve learned in this past week(?) I am stepping down as a translator for the Isekai Mitai, but this doesn’t mean that
It’s been months since I’ve started translating Isekai Mitai. This is my first novel that I started to translate for the people, and it was
Hello. I’ve been making a lot of these news posts recently… __φ(..) Anyway, ANNOUNCEMENT! I wasn’t expecting this but I’ve been accepted by adsense! Horay!
2/2 If you like my work, please consider becoming a patron to support me and also gain access to the next few chapters. Chapter 29: That time
Hello ( ̄ω ̄)ノ゙ First of all, shout out to all my patrons. Thank you for all your support. <(_ _)> If you like my work, please
Hello (o´▽`o)ノ Thanks to all those who pledged on patreon. If you like my work, please consider becoming a patron to support me and also
Hello (@´ー`)ノ゙ It’s a start of a new arc! O(≧∇≦)O I decided to create a patreon page. You can find the link to it in
Hello (*・ω・)ノ If you haven’t seen my post a few days ago, I moved to a new website. I’m not sure what to do with
Hello ヾ(^ω^*) Sorry for the delay. I had a hard time translating this chapter because I didn’t know a lot about liquors(aside from drinking and
Hello (・_・)ノ Regarding the poll last chapter, last time I checked, Calm and Caam were pretty much tied. That didn’t really decide anything so I’ll
Hello ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ If you want to support the author, you can buy the light novels on cdjapan, amazon, or amazon.jp. You can also use the
Hello ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ I’m early today~ Chapter 21: That time when I didn’t know why it was bustling with activity inside the village Since the last